Premium Art Canvases - Legacy Junction™ Imagery $153.00
Premium Art Gallery Wrapped Canvases are ready to hang art pieces that feature Legacy Junction™ imagery. These high quality, fine art canvases are an easy way to dress up your walls without too much thought or work. Ready to hang!

Typically, a black border extending around the outer edges of the canvas is applied. Additional colours are available upon request, or if you would prefer to have the image extended around the edges, this is an option.
Please specify.

** Additional Custom Sizes are Available - and are typically recommended in order to maintain the integrity of the image. Your needs can be discussed via e-mail or telephone, and a Quote will be provided accordingly. **

** Canvases that have little to no cropping on standard image dimensions are: 16x24, 20x30, and 27x40.

** $153.00 is the base price for an 11x14. **

** Payment for all print and product orders is taken up front - Processing of all orders follows receipt of payment. Thank you. **
Total Price: $153.00
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